Deal or No Deal? Field of Sweet Dreams Sleepover at Miller Park

July 10, 2011 by
Filed under: Deal or No Deal, Sports 

The third annual “Field of Sweet Dreams” experience will take place at Miller Park on Saturday, August 20, 2011.  Brewers fans who purchase tickets to this unique experience are able to bring their camping equipment and camp out on the field at Miller Park!

Tickets aren’t cheap though:

  • Age 13 and older - $95
  • Age 3-12 - $65
  • Age 2 and under - Free

However, you do get a lot for your money.  The doors open at 5pm and fans can watch the Brewers vs. Mets game (start time 6:10pm) on the new HD scoreboard.  After the game they will show Toy Story 3.  Other entertainment options for the evening include inflatable games on the field, access to the Associated Bank Kids Zone, private tours of Miller Park, a visit by the Klement’s Famous Racing Sausages, a visit by Bernie Brewer, and a bedtime story recorded by Brewers players and coaches.

Guests will also receive a gift bag, dinner, snacks during the movie, breakfast, and non-alcoholic beverages.  Guests will have a shot at winning prizes such as Brewers tickets, memorabilia, and an opportunity to throw out the first pitch at a Brewer game.

Tickets go on sale on Tuesday, July 12th at 10am and will likely sell out fast.  For complete information on the event or to purchase tickets, visit or by calling 414-902-4424.

So what do you think?  Is the Field of Sweet Dreams Sleepover a good value?  On one hand tickets are expensive for a family to attend but on the other hand it’s a truly unique camping experience that could create lasting memories.  Please feel free to leave a comment!

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2 Comments on Deal or No Deal? Field of Sweet Dreams Sleepover at Miller Park

  1. Carrie Dunfee on Sat, 20th Aug 2011 10:43 PM
  2. I am very sad and disappointed in the Brewers. I had called at the beginning of the season about the sleepover at Miller Park and was told that it wasn’t going to be happening this year. My husband and 2 sons are huge Brewers fans and couldn’t think of a more special gift than sleeping on the field of their favorite baseball team. How do I get the information? I have become a Brewers fan myself and have always bragged about the stadium and have been proud to wear my Brewers t-shirts. This is such a disappointment! I will be attending 3 more games this season and can’t help but feel that it just won’t be the same. Brewers you have let me down……not sure I can proudly brag anymore.

  3. Milwaukee Consumer on Sun, 21st Aug 2011 9:08 AM
  4. Sorry to hear about your experience Carrie. The Brewers announced the details of this year’s Field of Sweet Dreams in July. If they told you at the beginning of the season that they weren’t going to have it this year, they must have changed their minds. The event is extremely popular, so I would expect it to be repeated again next year.

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