Pick Your Own Apples - Autumn Harvest Festival at The Elegant Farmer

September 12 by
Filed under: Recreation, Shopping 

The Autumn Harvest Festival has started at The Elegant Farmer.  Located in Mukwonago, the Festival runs on the weekend (Saturdays and Sundays) through October 29, 2011, from 10am to 5pm.

The Autumn Harvest Festival offers a family fun apple picking experience.  Choose from 12 varieties of apples including McIntosh, Jonathan, Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, and Ida Red (the variety that Elegant Farmer uses in their famous pies).

Prices for pick-your-own apples are:  $14 for a peck, $25 for a half bushel, and $38 for a full bushel.  Is that a good value you ask?  A bushel of apples weighs about 42 pounds, which averages out to $0.90 a pound.  That’s a great value, considering that is less than what you’d pay in a grocery store, there is a better variety than at the grocery store, you’re getting fresh apples straight from the orchard, and it’s a fun experience.  Here are a few interesting facts about apples from the University of Illinois Extension:

  • Two pounds of apples make one 9-inch pie.
  • It takes about 36 apples to create one gallon of apple cider.
  • A bushel of apples will yield 20-24 quarts of applesauce.
  • A medium apple is about 80 calories.
  • Apples are a great source of the fiber pectin.  One apple has five grams of fiber.
  • Don’t peel your apple - 2/3 of the fiber and lots of antioxidants are found in the peel.

In addition to apple picking, The Elegant Farmer offers a pumpkin patch where you can pick out your own pumpkin, tractor pulled hayrides ($3 for adults, $2 for kids, under 3 free), pony rides ($5) and rides on the East Troy Electric Railroad ($11.85 adults, $9.95 seniors, $7.75 children 3-11, children under 3 are free).

Food is also available for purchase, including make-your-own caramel apples, and the Farm Kitchen Bakery, Deli & Market has a multitude of goods available for purchase including their famous Apple Pie Baked in a Paper Bag.

The Elegant Farmer is located at 1545 N. Main St. in Mukwonago.  For more information, call The Elegant Farmer at 262-363-6770 or visit The Elegant Farmer website.


One Comment on Pick Your Own Apples - Autumn Harvest Festival at The Elegant Farmer

  1. Darlene allen on Fri, 10th Oct 2014 4:09 PM

    We have friends coming from Texas October 16 through the 21st. Was wondering if it’s still a good time to pick fresh apples?

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