Double Double Daze at Pick ‘n Save through June 29

June 19, 2013 by · 1 Comment
Filed under: Coupons, Grocery 

double double dazeGood news for double coupon shoppers…

The next three double coupon days at Pick ‘n Save will be Double Double Daze!

Shoppers will be able to double up to 10 coupons; twice the normal limit on the following days:

  • Saturday, June 22
  • Wednesday, June 26
  • Saturday, June 29

During Double Double Daze promotions, the standard Pick ‘n Save Double Coupon policy applies:

  • Customers must present their Roundy’s Rewards Card at the time of checkout to double manufacturers’ coupons.
  • Customers must spent $25 in a single transaction to double manufacturers’ coupons. The $25 amount is before tax, and after store coupons and loyalty discounts.
  • Only manufacturers’ coupons with a face value of $1 or less can be doubled.
  • Does not apply to manufacturers’ coupons that are not valid for doubling.
  • Does not apply to alcohol and tobacco manufacturers’ coupons.

Double Double Daze at Pick ‘n Save on June 8

June 4, 2013 by · 2 Comments
Filed under: Coupons, Grocery 

Good news for double coupon shoppers!

Pick ‘n Save is offering Double Double Coupon Daze on Saturday, June 8. Shoppers will be able to double 10 coupons instead of the normal limit of five double coupons. If you’re really ambitious, you can double even more coupons by separating your order into multiple transactions.

During Double Double Daze promotions, the standard Pick ‘n Save Double Coupon policy applies:

  • Customers must present their Roundy’s Rewards Card at the time of checkout to double manufacturers’ coupons.
  • Customers must spent $25 in a single transaction to double manufacturers’ coupons. The $25 amount is before tax, and after store coupons and loyalty discounts.
  • Only manufacturers’ coupons with a face value of $1 or less can be doubled.
  • Does not apply to manufacturers’ coupons that are not valid for doubling.
  • Does not apply to alcohol and tobacco manufacturers’ coupons.

Double Double Daze at Pick ‘n Save on May 18

May 15, 2013 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Coupons, Grocery 

Attention double coupon shoppers!

Pick ‘n Save is offering Double Double Coupon Daze on Saturday, May 18. Shoppers will be able to double 10 coupons instead of the normal limit of five double coupons. If you’re really ambitious, you can double even more coupons by separating your order into multiple transactions.

During Double Double Daze promotions, the standard Pick ‘n Save Double Coupon policy applies:

  • Customers must present their Roundy’s Rewards Card at the time of checkout to double manufacturers’ coupons.
  • Customers must spent $25 in a single transaction to double manufacturers’ coupons. The $25 amount is before tax, and after store coupons and loyalty discounts.
  • Only manufacturers’ coupons with a face value of $1 or less can be doubled.
  • Does not apply to manufacturers’ coupons that are not valid for doubling.
  • Does not apply to alcohol and tobacco manufacturers’ coupons.

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